A LOHA and welcome to Charm & Ink, where my daily adventures and love of writing come together to give you a taste of life in Salt Lake City. For starters, the word "newbie" is an understatement of who I am to all of this. I'm new to life I guess you could say, as I am well into my twenties and am just branching out from my roots in Hawaii. Being from Hawaii, one of the many melting pots of the world, culture isn't quite new to me, but everything else is. I also am not the spontaneous type, as family and friends will explain that I need a list for everything, just to keep order. If its not on the list, I most likely won't do it, in fact, I fear doing it. So, deciding to break my mold of comfort, test my limits and push myself here to "Saint" central is all very new. One thing that isn't new is my passion for culture, art, nature and every bit of beauty life's got to offer. So with my love of writing (which sometimes will be cryptic), my love of culture and everything that entails and my sense of starting anew I hope that I can discover and ink out the simple charms of life and share them with you.